Minimise errors and maximise savings with a modern time and attendance system

It is 2019, and yet many offices have not modernised. According to research shown on statistics website Statista, UK office workers use an average of 10,000 individual sheets of paper per year.

Common culprits of this practise are purchase orders, payroll calculations, and attendance and security matters such as visitor books.

Common disadvantages of paper

Easy to lose. All bar the most organised in-trays can fall foul of the curse of loose paper documents. Not only can piles become overwhelming, it is all too easy for one sheet to slide behind the desk.

Easy to damage. Whether it be coffee rings, or mayonnaise from a sandwich at your desk, paper documents left lying around can quickly be ruined. Then they need to be re-printed – what a waste of paper! Even worse; food-stained paper cannot be recycled!

Slow and inefficient. How many times have you spent half a day running around trying to get purchase order form physically signed by the one senior manager who’s never in their office? Or printed out a document for editing and laboriously typed up the handwritten corrections you received?

Error-prone. This is less a function of the medium itself and more a recognition of the fact that the more manual a process is the more human input is involved. Human involvement leads to human error, and there can be up to a 30% average error rate in data entry tasks.

Advantages of paperless procedures

Cheaper in the long run. A digital system will initially cost money. However, your overtime costs may drop for departments such as HR and accounts, and there may even be enough of a reduction in tasks for you to merge or eliminate certain roles. Costs associated with printing and photocopying costs (paper, ink, electricity) will plummet.

Reduce opportunities for errors. The more automated a task is the fewer humans have to be involved in the data collection or input. This makes the chance for errors lower. Machines don’t lose concentration or get tired, or have trouble reading huge spreadsheets.  

GDPR-compliant. Again, this is largely a question of removing the uncertainty of human involvement from data management. A computerised system can help you to manage, retain and dispose of your data in a thorough, organised and accurately recorded way that meets the requirements of the GDPR. For example, it is much easier to restrict access to data on a system than it is to restrict access to a filing cabinet.

As a leading designer, manufacturer and installer of time and attendance systems, we believe that switching to an automated system is worth it for almost any size of business. We can provide our products and services for businesses with more than 10 employees, with no upper limit.

Moving attendance data from manual to automated is hugely beneficial for everyone involved.

Our WINTA.NET system accurately captures the clocking data of registered staff and sends the data straight to the centralised system, where it can be checked by supervisors, accessed by HR for the creation of absence/lateness reports, or exported straight to all leading payroll software.

Our products use either contactless radio-frequency ID smartcards or fingerprint biometrics in order to register employees.

With this system, there is no more need for staff to deal with paper timesheets, or to rely on a manager’s memory of their absence record.

The system also has a wide range of features not directly related to the benefits of going paperless, and can integrate with our access control and CCTV surveillance products. For more information, please contact us on (0)2082 429695 or email us using our contact page.